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FREE: Mental Health Self Care w/ Scott Passafiume May 11

FREE Zoom training: This training will cover 'Mental Health Self Care' 6 CEU hours These trainings are open to anyone interested and are approved by the Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board. All interested Arkansas Dept Correction staff can self-enroll in Relias. Please make sure you enroll early as the link for training will be emailed out several days prior […]

FREE Zoom Training: Trauma Informed Care w/ Dr. Stephanie Rose

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Trauma-Informed Care, by design, helps treatment providers with the provision of services to individuals who have experienced trauma and trauma-related stressors. Considering that there is a high co-occurrence between substance use and trauma, it is recommended that substance abuse counselors understand the implications of Trauma-Informed Care in order to provide the highest level of care […]

2022 MidSOUTH Conference

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The 2022 MidSOUTH Conference is virtual this year! Up to 18 hours of continuing education available! Shaili Jain, M.D. is a physician, post-traumatic stress disorder specialist and trauma scientist.   Topics: Ethics (6 hours) Stimulants: Current and Emerging Trends Eating disorders Address trauma Cycles of addiction Suicide prevention and more Who should attend: Licensed clinicians […]

Core Functions 1-3 w/ Marlo Lowe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This training, Core Functions 1-3 w/ Marlo Lowe, will go over Screening, Intakes, and Orientation.


Core Functions 4-6 w/ Marlo Lowe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Core Functions 4-6 w/ Marlo Lowe: This training will go over Assessment, Treatment Planning, and Counseling.


Core Functions 7-9 w/ Marlo Lowe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Core Functions 7-9 w/ Marlo Lowe: This training will go over Case Management, Crisis Intervention, and Client Education.


FREE MidSOUTH virtual training: The Opioid Epidemic: What Arkansas Veterinarians Need to Know

Topics: The Opioid Crisis in America (specific insight on Arkansas) Opioid effects on the Veterinary Profession (includes portion on opioid alternatives) Opioid handling Best Practices & Legal Requirements (specific insight on Arkansas) Alternatives to opioid use in veterinary practice Compassion Fatigue: Recognition, Treatment,  and Prevention   Enroll

FREE: Disease of Addiction w/ Dr. Stephanie Rose

FREE Zoom training: This training will cover 'Disease of Addiction' 3 CEU hours These trainings are open to anyone interested and are approved by the Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board. All interested Arkansas Dept Correction staff can self-enroll in Relias. Please make sure you enroll early as the link for training will be emailed out several days prior to […]

Core Functions 10-12 w/ Marlo Lowe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Core Functions 10-12 w/ Marlo Lowe: This training will go over Referral, Reports and Record Keeping, and Consultation with Other Professionals in Regard to Client Treatment/Services.


FREE: Disease of Addiction w/ Dr. Stephanie Rose

FREE Zoom training: This training will cover 'Disease of Addiction' 3 CEU hours These trainings are open to anyone interested and are approved by the Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board. All interested Arkansas Dept Correction staff can self-enroll in Relias. Please make sure you enroll early as the link for training will be emailed out several days prior to […]

Comprehensive Tx Planning w/ Marlo Lowe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Comprehensive Tx Planning w/ Marlo Lowe: This training highlights Identifying problems, creating goals, defining objectives, establishing interventions to create a more successful treatment plan.
