About the Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board

Our Mission
The Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board (ASACB) was incorporated as a private non-profit board in September 1986 to adopt standards for qualifying, evaluating, and certifying individuals as Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) Counselors. In early 1992, the ASACB affiliated with the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC), an organization with standardized minimum competency requirements for international testing and certification. The ASACB monitors addiction professionals continuing education and professional development to ensure that Arkansas clients receive quality care from component addiction professionals.
Our board members abide by ethics set by IC&RC, which delivers standardized minimum competency requirements for international testing and certification to become a certified counselor for substance use and addiction. They are internationally recognized as governance for all substance use certification. To view the code of conduct in place for all ASACB board members, please click the link below.
Meet the board
The Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board is a private, non-profit board comprised of 15 members that volunteer their time to improve and support the standards, policies and ethics of substance abuse counselors and supervisors across the state of Arkansas. They work tirelessly in their own professions and for Arkansas citizens to provide qualified professionals that will provide treatment using evidence-based practices and research. It is the goal of this Board to ensure that Arkansans receive quality care from competent counselors and professionals so that every person suffering from addiction can have a realistic outcome of recovery and rehabilitation.

Myra Woolfolk, LMSW, MS, LADAC, CS, AADC

Kirk Duboise, ADC, SAP, CS-D

Angela Harness, IADC, CS-D

George Weaver, CADC, CS

Carlotta Powell, CS-D, ADC, PR
Board Member

Jodi Howard, CS, ADC, NCTTP, DCS
Board Member

Lester Cupp, ICADC, ICS-D, PR
Board Member

Marlo D. Lowe, LADAC, ICADC
Board Member

Scott Passafiume, LPC, IAADC
Board Member

Lisa Ray, MS, ACADC, CS-D, PR
Board Member

Gary McDougal, CADC, CS, PR
Board Member

Dr. Gail Stith, PhD, CCDP-D, AADC, PR, LADC
Board Member

Candace Henderson, CADC
Board Member

Kristy Burton, CAADC, CS
Board Member

Holly Sutton, CADC
Board Member